III International Cooperative Scientific Forum

Cooperatives build a better future for everyone

Russian University of Cooperation, Mytishchi, Russia

July 2025

We are waiting for you in 2025!

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Results of the 2023 forum

In 2023, the International Day of Cooperatives was marked by holding a scientific and practical forum "Cooperatives for Sustainable Development" at the Russian University of Cooperation.

The topics of the forum were the study of the role of cooperatives in ensuring food security and improving the nutrition of the population, their role in promoting sustainable development of agriculture, the development of approaches to quality education and lifelong learning opportunities in educational organizations of consumer cooperation, the development of recommendations for the development of infrastructure consumer cooperation and the introduction of innovations in cooperatives.

More than a hundred researchers responded to the call of the forum organizers and sent their materials for publication. Among the participants are honored scientists of the Russian Federation, doctors and candidates of sciences, teachers, graduate students, students of universities, academies, institutes and colleges, leaders and practitioners of consumer cooperation organizations.

The collection of proceedings of the scientific and practical forum has been assigned the international edition number ISBN 978-5-6049387-8-2, and each publication has a UDC, mainly assigned to the code 334.73 "Cooperatives" and JEL, mainly classified under code Q01 - "Sustainability".

Each participant of the forum can get his personalized certificate in Personal Account, the authenticity of which can be verified at any time on the OpenScience platform. And now you can add your personal verified CERTIFICATE to your portfolio.

As promised, the organizing committee summarized the materials presented by the forum participants and presented the most striking of them, with the indispensable attribution of authorship, to the leadership of the Central Union of the Russian Federation.

Photo report of the forum

Forum files 2023

Russian University of Cooperation x OpenScience